
Snail Mail

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Yesterday I got a note to say I'd missed a parcel, that's always nice to see a parcel from home and when I came back there was another sitting by the door, double yay! Buddy gets really excited about opening them up and seeing what has come for him and Button this time. Thinking about it the only letter Buddy has ever wrote was to Santa and he replied with a typed letter. Come on Santa!

So I thought I'd try an experiment, but I will need your help fellow mummys. How about we go back to our day and try a pen pal or few, a hand written letter from the kids to the kids (for those old enough, otherwise I'm sure the mums can help out). We can add printed photos, not ones uploaded straight from a phone that we can keep and cherish in a photo album of all things! From e-mail back to #snailmail.

So what do we think? Could the kids make some new friends today?

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