Trying to find something tartan for little miss in such a small size (she may be two but she still wear 9-12 months) was near impossible. Well this cute wee skirt was the best we could find unfortunately it only stayed on for this picture and she enjoyed the day in just her top.
A brave party wouldn't be complete without a few Brave quotes and this cute wee doll below was from the Disney store, it has Buttons quizzical look down to a t.
While all this was going on our Birthday girl was fast asleep, I thought she might actually sleep through it, well she awoke but the party started like this. See perfectly captured picture below.
A few Brave themed treats and she was set, Granny had a perfect pot for the cauldron and those target cookies were a pain to decorate but came out great.
The cake, well the cake was a last minute decoration job, I just didn't get inspired with what to create but thanks to granny's perfect chocolate cake and aunties decorating skills (she cut out a stencil and sprayed on gold food colouring) the cake was success and tasted extremely yummy!
Now it was time for the mini highland games, we had a caber toss (a piece of foam wrapped in brown paper), a haggis toss (a box for the target and the haggis were just oats sewn in to an old pair of tights) the oats did make quite a mess though when thrown but it was such a fun game.
Last but not least in our games was the archery tournament. Buddy obviously wasn't shooting for the hand of the birthday girl but for a bag of sweeties and a medal.
Towards the end of the day though a bit of cheating was going on.
Even the grown ups enjoyed the Brave printables.
And finally after the games were finished the kids ran off to cast some spells in the Crafty Carver, compete with it's own wee bear.
It was such a lovely day and everyone seemed to have a great time, now we are off to watch Brave again cause soon my little Button will be grown and telling me she wants to let her hair flow in the wind as she rides through the glen firing arrows in to the sunset.
Happy Face!